Welcome to the Living in Michigan forum! This is a space for Michigan residents, future residents, and enthusiasts to share experiences, ask questions, and offer advice. To ensure a welcoming and respectful environment, please follow these rules:
1. Be Respectful and Kind
Treat all members with courtesy and respect.
Avoid personal attacks, bullying, or harassment.
Disagreements are fine, but keep the conversation constructive.
2. Stay On Topic
Post in the appropriate categories or threads.
Keep discussions related to Michigan living, including moving, lifestyle, events, attractions, and real estate.
3. Keep It Clean
Avoid profanity, offensive language, and inappropriate content.
Posts containing hate speech, discrimination, or anything violating community standards will be removed.
4. Provide Accurate Information
Ensure your posts are truthful and based on facts when offering advice or answering questions.
Misinformation may be removed to maintain the forum’s integrity.
5. Respect Privacy
Do not share personal information (yours or others') like addresses, phone numbers, or financial details.
Avoid doxxing or sharing private details without consent.
6. No Political or Religious Debates
Discussions about Michigan's politics or religion are allowed if relevant, but debates that turn hostile or divisive will be moderated.
7. Report Inappropriate Content
If you see something that violates these rules, report it to the moderators.
Do not engage with trolls or problematic users; let the moderators handle it.
8. Follow Moderator Guidance
Moderators are here to keep the forum safe and functional.
Follow their instructions and respect their decisions.
9. Have Fun and Contribute Positively
Share your stories, recommendations, and questions.
Make the forum an enjoyable and valuable resource for everyone.
By participating in this forum, you agree to these rules. Violations may result in warnings, post removal, or account suspension. Let’s make this community a great place for all Michigan enthusiasts!